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Excerpts from the book EVOLUTION RELOADED

"The latest in the series of defenses that tried to safeguard Darwinism came from Molecular Biology. Highly advanced and complicated research method called DNA Sequencing which could analyze human composition not at the levels of Morphology, Anatomy or Genetics, but at the level of molecules, supported Darwinism stating that chimpanzees and human beings shared the highest possible DNA sequences among all the existing animals. But this study also shed light on the denying fact that cats and cows, who according to Darwinism descended from a common ancestor along with human beings in the distant past, share 90% of DNA sequences with human beings. The same DNA sequencing also showed the contradictory fact that bananas share 60% DNA Sequences with human beings. Similarly, fruit fly and red Jungle fowl [a kind of chicken] share 60% DNA Sequences with human beings. These results speak themselves that DNA Sequencing cannot be used as a logical meter to validate a hypothesis that all the existing organisms have evolved from a common ancestor. Rather these results speak logically for the fact that all organisms of today evolved from more or less same source material. So far in the defense of Darwinism, scientists have waded through the realms of Morphology, Anatomy, Genetics and Molecular Biology.  And in the future if the developing cutting edge technologies permit us to analyze a smaller unit of life than that of DNA, we will certainly find that all organisms of today are related to each other more closely than we have so far known about it. 

In fact, Morphology, Anatomy, Embryology, Genetics and Molecular Biology can be useful in understanding some common features among different groups of living systems.  But when we use these studies to substantiate a dead theory we will be at a loss. For example, in Genetics the number of chromosomes of an organism cannot be used to understand the supposed relations among various living organisms. When Sable antelope [Artiodactyla Order], Reeves's muntjac [Artiodactyla Order], Parhyale hawaiensis [an Arthropod], Potato [a plant] and Man [Primate Order] have same number of 23 pairs of chromosomes, we cannot logically construct a theory of common descent using genetics as its foundation stone. Having 254 chromosomes cannot make hermit crabs anything superior to human beings. Possession of 1260 chromosomes by a fern called Ophioglossum reticulatum cannot make it the most evolved and highly placed species on the surface of the earth. Commonness among living systems can be accounted by other logical facts as well.  It is possible that various types of living systems undergoing development under similar kinds of environmental forces developed similar patterns in their structure.  So, in such a case, a common ancestry is not necessary to develop shared features by different living systems.  Similarly, it is possible that the primary source materials from which all organisms started their evolution had more or less similar chemical and physical properties and as a result all organisms of today came to possess more or less common features.

     Darwinism should be called as the king of evidences because in the history of rational research no other theory has got the attention that Darwinism has received and consequently this theory was accorded such an amount of intellectual defense in the form of compelling evidences.  At the same time, it should also be stated that no other theory in the field of academic research has received criticism and contempt as that of Darwin.  Opposition against this theory assumed the proportion of revolt in some places to such an extent that few state governments in the United States of America even banned the teaching of this theory to students in schools.  However, it remained as the forbidden fruit in the realm of rational research. As the effort to prohibit its learning mounted, people found it more and more curious. The author of the new evolution theory knows very well that anyone who is trying to counter Darwinism is not dealing with a hypothesis, but a cult that possessed its own evolutionary capacity. The time is still running in favor of Darwinism and any tirade against its propositions in no time can be interpreted as an attempted intellectual coup. But the author is also sure that at the end of the day it cannot fail to stand as a figment of imagination that nevertheless ignited the intellectual potentials of many generations of thinking people all over the world." The book is available on Google Play.


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